Carry out small basic projects in groups with the idea that they can experience teamwork: brainstorming, planning, use repositories such as GitHub or GitLab, design tools, learn to do pair-programming.
4 teams of maximum 5 people, so that communication is optimal and can be easily coordinated.
4 teams will be formed which will have a coordinator / who, in addition to participating like the rest, will also be the person in charge of monitoring the project in order to move forward. NO experience is required, it is just wanting to coordinate 😉
We try to balance groups with people with little experience and others with at least some experience so that they can help each other.
The FrontEndCafé team will give you help when you need it so that you can unblock planning problems, code or whatever you want. We are here to help you!
Level 1 HTML, CSS and Javascript or Level 2 React.js / Node.js, optional CSS library.